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Adam Lajeunesse, PhD

Adam Lajeunesse, PhD is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Public Policy and Governance program at St. Francis Xavier University. Currently a Fulbright Scholar (2024-5), he is part of the foundation’s Arctic Initiative, where he is continuing work on information operations begun as a Killam Scholar (2024) at the University of Calgary. Dr. Lajeunesse is also the Director of the Canadian Maritime Security Network (CMSN), a Department of National Defence funded research network examining maritime defence, safety, and security. In addition, Lajeunesse is the Research Coordinator for the Naval Association of Canada and a Research Associate at the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies and a fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

Select Publications

The Arctic as a Friction Point in Sino-Russian Relations,” Joint Forces Quarterly (With Sergey Sukhankin and P. Whitney Lackenbauer) (October 2023).


“Arctic Shipping: A Historical Overview.” In Shipping in Inuit Nunangat: Governance Challenges and Approaches in Canadian Arctic Waters. Kristin Bartenstein and Aldo Chircop Eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2023) (With P. Whitney Lackenbauer).

Russia’s Arctic Strategy: Legitimizing Narratives and the Information Domain in a Competitive Region,” Journal of Peace and War Studies (October 2022). (With P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Troy Bouffard).


Arctic Perils: Emerging Threats in the Arctic Maritime Environment,” Canadian Global Affairs Institute (November, 2022)


Why China Is Not a Peer Competitor in the Arctic,” Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (October 2022), (with P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean).


Here there be Dragons? Chinese Submarine Options in the Arctic,” Journal of Strategic Studies (July 2021) (with Tim Choi). 


Opening an Arctic Escape Route: The Bellot Strait Expedition” Northern Mariner 31:1(Spring, 2021) 1-30 (with P. Whitney Lackenbauer).

Arctic Geopolitics and Security from the Canadian Perspective,” Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic, Frontiers in International Relations, Joachim Weber ed. (Springer, 2020)


Canada’s Arctic Offshore and Patrol Ships (AOPS): Their History and Purpose” Marine Policy (December, 2020). 


Some Design Considerations for Arctic-Capable Submarines,” Policy Brief, North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (November 2020) (With Tim Choi). 

Lock, Stock, and Icebergs: The Evolution of Canada's Arctic Maritime Sovereignty. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2016. 

China’s Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2018. (With P. Whitney Lackenbauer, James Manicom, and Frédéric Lasserre).


St. Francis Xavier University

4051 Mulroney Hall, 2333 Notre Dame Ave

Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5


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